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احجز موعدك الآن 920002194

Author : Five Moon

3 : 22 mins read

Throughout history, humans have never seen a threat as the ferocity of Mice, this small animal that escapes when it sees you, is responsible for killing more than 25 million people in the 17th century around the world.
mice resistance is an integral part of the insect elimination and control process, although mice do not follow insects and do not resemble them in anything except in the harm they cause to surrounding humans.
Today, let’s learn about mice, the causes of their outbreak, their dangers, and ways to get rid of and to resist them.

Are there types of mice?
In fact, yes, there are many types of mice, but the word rat means a large family of rodent animals that are similar to each other in body and shape, but they differ greatly according to where they live, how they feed, and such stuff.

The scientific name for the house mouse is (Mus musculus), for the Western world there are two-term, they are either Mouse or Rat.
The Mouse is the smallest, which has a tiny, round, and very flexible body, while the rat is slightly larger, we can say that its body is a little longer.
Despite this fierce attack on this strain, mice are considered one of the most long-lived mammals that have survived on the earth.
mice are primarily nocturnal animals, they cannot see well, but this lack of vision is compensated by a very strong sense of hearing and a sense of smell that is never wrong.
mice live in burrows carefully designed and mastered, these burrows contain long and small entrances and are equipped with tunnels that help to escape in case of emergency, the method of making these tunnels looks like a genetic trait implanted inside the mice’s body.

There are many types of mice, which are purely scientific, and their division depends on a scientific basis, but for convenience, there are jungle rats, desert rats, and mice that live on crops and others that live on fruits, and there is also a type of golden mice spread in the world.
Also, there are a group of mice that are raised for scientific or entertainment purposes, such as white mice. Some scientists have also considered Guinea Pigs and hamsters are a type of mice that are different in genetic makeup.
Damages of mice to commercial facilities and health
When we talk about the dangers of mice, we should divide them into two main types:
Economic and material damages.
Health and disease damage.
The economic damage caused by mice is no less dangerous than the diseases that they transmit, especially to commercial establishments and businesses.
Imagine, dear reader, sitting down for lunch at your favorite restaurant and suddenly running mice in front of you? The owner may be able to get rid of these mice later, but this picture will never leave your mind, no matter how long you live, and you will feel disgusted to go to that restaurant. mice resistance is one of the most important steps in the cleaning process and public hygiene considerations in restaurants and tourist facilities.

Mice not only feed on the ready-made crops and grains that easily exist in front of them, but they may also feed on some types of frozen meat.

The real problem with mice is their feeding pattern, as you may find your stocks of all foodstuffs damaged and you see small bite marks indicating the presence of mice in the warehouse, as they take a flower from every grove, they do not eat until they are full from one place like the rest of the animals.

Speaking of health risks, we will not find something clear and a real danger to humanity, such as the black plague that spread in Europe in the 13th century.

The black plague killed almost 200 million people in Europe alone and was the cause of drastically reducing the world’s population.

Not only that, but the Black Plague contributed to the emergence of many new beliefs and new religions in the European region, changing many beliefs, and focusing attention on scientific and medical research, bringing the region into a period of enlightenment thereafter.

This is not the only disease transmitted by mice, but there is also the deadly Hantavirus, specifically the white-footed mouse, the disease is transmitted by exposure to the secretions of infected mice, whether it is saliva or any other bodily secretions.

The death rate for Hantavirus is not as high as the plague, but it is very fatal and the recovering rate is very low.

Mice also transmit salmonella, which causes deadly diarrhea that may cause the death of a person, it is one of the endemic diseases that annually kills about 40 thousand people in the United States only.

Best methods to resist mice

There are many useful methods to get rid of mice that depend mainly on getting rid of their natural homes or by catching them.

In general, the best way is to close all openings and places where the mouse might enter.

For example, you should not leave any large openings on the outside or even on the places of ventilation, such as the openings of central air conditioning or central heating.

Also, you must block and put barriers on doorsteps and places from which the mouse may enter and sneak into your home.

This process is called (Rodent Proofing), and it is preferable to hire a professional company to make sure that all places and openings are properly closed and do not leave a chance for mice to enter your home.

The next step is catching mice that exist or have already entered, and there is more than one method for this step.

You can use one of the animals that naturally kill mice, such as cats, dogs, etc. just be aware that some types of cats and dogs do not rely basically on mice for food, so it is not helpful to use them.

You can also use mouse traps, which may be fatal or aim to trap mice without killing them, and there are many types of these traps.

You can also use one of the devices that rely on releasing ultrasound waves that are harmful to mice and inaudible to humans because, as we previously defined mice, they have a strong sense of hearing that is beyond human senses.

You can also put some poisonous substances for mice in food and leave them available for mice, you have to be very careful because most of the mice poisons work for humans and may be toxic to humans as well.